Dr Trudi Seneviratne OBE, Registrar
The College’s first quality network, working with child and adolescent inpatient mental health services, was established in 2001 and there are now 28 networks working with over 1600 services across the UK and beyond. These networks apply a similar methodology to a wide range of mental health services.
Over the past 20 years, the quality and accreditation networks have made a huge contribution to improving the quality of mental health services and patient experience. My own service, a mother and baby unit and linked community perinatal teams, has participated in the CCQI’s perinatal network for many years and I have seen first-hand the positive impact these standards can have.
The College regularly reviews its standards to ensure the latest evidence base is included in our reviews and to ensure that they promote equality, diversity and inclusion and sustainability in mental health services – two of the College’s priority areas.
The CCQI networks work with over 80 patient and carer representatives who contribute to every stage of the network’s review cycle. I’m delighted that the voice of people who use services is so integral to the process, including going on reviews and helping us to set standards.
I would like to thank each and every one of our quality network members and would like to welcome new members to our community committed to improving quality.